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JRI takes on the challenges that seem impossible, challenges with a level of risk and complexity that other public and private entities have been unwilling or unable to address. For those in the deepest need without advocates or resources, JRI is the resource of choice.
JRI has not pursued a strategy of following trends, but has instead initiated programs and developed models that have set trends and shaped systems. JRI does not grow through serially developing similar programs; instead, we operate a few exemplary programs of each model. Our work has compelled the development of more improved, more effective, more easily workable, and more solidly replicable models.
Trauma Informed Care
JRI programs incorporate trauma informed care. They support youth, adults and families to navigate challenges and meaningfully contribute to society. Services assist those affected by homelessness and health disparities, and those at risk through substance abuse, mental or physical health concerns, violence, and sexual exploitation. The goals of all programs are 1) excellence of service and 2) the advancement of the field, through knowledge sharing, research, and development of new models of care.
The ARC Framework
The Attachment, Self-Regulation, and Competency (ARC) framework is a core-components treatment model, developed to provide a guiding framework for thoughtful clinical intervention with complexly traumatized youth and their care giving systems. Drawing from the fields of trauma, attachment, and child development, the framework recognizes the importance of working with the child-in-context, of acknowledging the role of historical experiences and adaptive responses in current presentation, and of intervening with the surrounding environment – whether primary caregivers or treatment system – to support and facilitate the child’s healthy growth and development. Rather than identify step-by-step intervention strategies, the framework identifies 10 key “building blocks”, or intervention targets, key skills/goals within each domain, developmental and cultural considerations, and potential applications across settings. The ARC framework, developed by Kristine M. Kinniburgh and Margaret E. Blaustein while at JRI, is recognized by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) as a promising practice.
Building Communities of Care (BCC)
BCC curriculum was developed by experts in the fields of mental health, education, trauma treatment, and residential and community based care. It is being utilized in programs spanning many levels of care, from sub-acute facilities to outpatient treatment. BCC is uniquely designed to provide a clear, systems-based approach to therapeutic work and crisis intervention, while still allowing for a great deal of individualization on the program and client levels. BCC is a trauma-informed, systems-based training approach to working with individuals of all ages in a variety of settings. It is a “train-the-trainer” based model, and is delivered to participants in 16 – 24 hours, depending on topics covered. It can be delivered with or without physical intervention content.
The JRI Continuum
JRI invests in ongoing development, and regularly acquires unique organizations to enhance its service continuum. These programs provide best of breed qualities that get strengthened and incorporated as specialized agency resources. This strategy fills service gaps, while increasing operational efficiencies and economies of scale. It supports community need, reduces overhead and administration costs, and ensures JRI’s capacity to retain a skilled workforce.
Families and lifelong connections are often the most important social network in a person's life and can have an enormous impact on the effectiveness on the services, treatment, education, permanency and supports a person receives and continued success after the services close. JRI understands the importance of individuals having a stable, permanent setting from which they can develop their identities and values. JRI strongly believes this setting should be with the individual’s family whenever possible. Therefore, Permanency a first and foremost goal throughout an individuals’ stay in our care. Family is broadly defined by each person served to acknowledge and include who the person self identifies as family and permanent connection. Permanency is defined as a safe, committed, supportive and caring relationship that is intended to be life-long between a young person and adult. Because of the importance of families and permanent connection, each program is designed to encourage extensive family engagement and permanency planning throughout an individuals' stay. Permanency planning places emphasis on working with persons to identify and strengthen natural community supports, lifelong connections and transitional planning to adult servicing agencies as appropriate.
Language Accessibility
JRI is fully committed to communicating effectively and in partnership with clients, families, and our community partners. We are committed to providing the tools necessary to support this effective communication. This includes but is not limited to ASL services, translation services, interpreters, and written information in other formats. If you or your family/team require access to these tools/ services, please contact the Program Director or Program Clinician. Alternatively, you may circle the language needed on this form and provide to any member of the team who will then link you to services. If ASL services are needed, please let us know.