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MetroWest Works in Natick, Westborough, and Northborough engage you in community-based day supports and prepare you to find meaningful paid work. Our training helps you develop skills, and provides practice in positive work attitudes and jobs in a variety of community tasks and settings. Our centers are small and community-oriented, with multiple daily opportunities to practice work skills in real settings.

Framingham, MA 01701
We have employment options for people with significant learning needs who want to develop marketable job-related skills, and find and maintain meaningful employment. We rely on local community businesses and resources to support people enrolled in one or more DDS-funded services, such as Competitive Employment, Group-Employment and Community-based Day Services. We enable people traditionally locked out of the competitive job market to discover their strengths, refine their skills, and keep the job they love. We provide transportation to our four locations in Natick, Westboro, and Northboro, as well individual travel-training and transportation to competitive jobs as needed.
In over thirty years, our Employment Supports have grown from a small summer jobs program to four centers of employment services. We've operated a number of social enterprises as well: the Hot Diggity Dog food truck, a gift basket business, The Lunch Express cafe and catering business, and Full Circle ARTS.

Competitive Employment helps you identify marketable job skills, secure a competitive job, transition to work, and manage your work schedule, transportation. and job responsibilities. We support people in a variety of fields, including one individual who was named "Employee of the Year" at the large national corporation where he has worked for over 10 years.
Our group-employment program enables you to practice teamwork, an essential job skill in today's economy. Work at local businesses provides an opportunity to meet job expectations, interact with co-workers and supervisors, and perform essential job functions with the support of a job coach.
Community-based Day Services engages you in activities that support work-related skills, including communication, social and interpersonal skills, and self-advocacy. Small groups staffed by Employment Specialists plan and participate in meaningful volunteer work, functional skill-building activities, and a variety of interest-driven recreational, fitness and social-skill-building activities.

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