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Anchor Academy is a special education, therapeutic day school that serves school aged students between the ages of 10-22. Anchor Academy operates as an extended year, 11 month academic program, with an optional summer experience. Certified special education teachers provide students with a curriculum that is aligned with the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework. The curriculum prepares students for high school graduation and transition to post-secondary education, career or vocational training.
Anchor Academy promotes a transformational learning experience for students who require alternative pathways for educational and emotional success and growth. The clinical framework provides students with opportunities to increase self-awareness, develop skills needed to regulate, and access various levels of educational and emotional support.
School Mission Statement:
Anchor Academy exists to provide challenging academics in a safe and supportive therapeutic rich environment. Through a strengths-based approach, we offer a transformational learning experience that fosters resiliency and prepares students to become skilled, informed, and responsible citizens. We design our program around anchoring our students with the supports they require to successfully achieve their academic, social, and emotional goals.
Statement of Nondiscrimination:
JRI is strongly committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for our employees and the people we serve. JRI does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, religion, age, marital status or military status in treatment or employment at JRI, admission or access to JRI or any other aspect of the educational programs and activities that JRI operates. JRI is required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (Age Act), and their respective implementing regulations at 34 C.F.R. Parts 100, 104, 106 and 110, not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, sex, or age. Inquiries regarding the application of each of the aforementioned statutes and their implementing regulations to JRI may be directed to JRI Senior Vice President and General Counsel Mark Schueppert at 781-559-4900 or 160 Gould Street, Suite 300, Needham MA 02494 or to the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, at (617) 289-0111 or 5 Post Office Square, 8th Floor, Boston, MA 02109-3921.

Middleboro, MA 02346
Anchor Academy operates as an extended-year, 11-month educational program, with an optional summer experience. Certified special education teachers provide a curriculum that is aligned with the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks. Anchor Academy provides instruction through the use of project based, hands on learning. The interdisciplinary strategies encourage students to explore their strengths to promote success. In collaboration with the student’s school district and community-based treatment team, Anchor Academy continuously raises the bar by providing challenging academics while recognizing each student’s unique learning needs.
Anchor Academy uses technology as an interactive resource to increase student engagement, help students meet their IEP goals and continue to provide students with a high quality education. The school utilizes Google for Education software, Google Classroom and Chromebook computers for teachers and students. Google for Education and Google Classroom are web-based teacher driven resources that enable students to receive and submit assignments in a secure, school managed environment.
Anchor Academy is a therapeutic day school where employees work with students to engage them in academic, vocational, social, and recreational activities. Therapeutic interventions are integrated throughout the school to promote and teach healthy attachments, practice and implement effective regulation skills, while students build a stronger sense of self. The therapeutic supports help students navigate the complexities of adolescence and transition to adulthood. Self-care, wellness, safety, interpersonal communication, and conflict resolution are infused within the daily routines of the school.
Students are assigned a Master’s level clinician who provides individual and group counseling consistent with their Individualized Education Plan. Speech and Occupational therapy are provided on an as-needed basis..
Anchor Academy provides transitional and vocational opportunities that focus on developing students’ individual strengths, skills, and interests. The school supports students in making successful transitions between school placements as well as to employment and post-secondary educational opportunities. Students are offered a number of transitional opportunities such as vocational programming, community services opportunities, and college and career readiness classes. On-campus and community-based activities are geared towards developing life and work skills pertinent to post-secondary success. Each student has the opportunity to develop their own roadmap for educational, financial, and career exploration.
Educational support and skill building opportunities allow students to explore the job application process, build a resume, practice and develop interview skills, and contact references. Interest inventories and assessments are utilized to assist students in identifying areas of interest.
Community Boating Center of New Bedford provides students with opportunities to develop their vocational and competency skills through hands on learning, teamwork and community access. The year-long experience promotes successful achievement towards the student’s social, emotional and academic goals. In 2017 students at Anchor Academy successfully built and launched a Bevin Skiff Row Boat and learned about oceanography while incorporating Anchor Academy’s academic curriculum.
Battleship Cove offers students the opportunity to volunteer to help preserve the rich history of the US Navy. Students work with the maintenance department and the curator to assist with projects that include painting, sorting artifacts, and maintaining the appearance of the facility for visitors. This opportunity connects our students to their local community where they can expand their education on the history of naval heritage.
Soule Homestead allows students to participate in ongoing community service projects. Students assist with the care of several farm animals including rabbits, goats, sheep, and chickens. Students examine the animals in their habitat while creating a better space for them on the farm. The Homestead offers a variety of educational programs that emphasize hands-on learning. All of our educational programs incorporate one or more of the Massachusetts State Educational Curriculum Standards and Frameworks, including: History and Social Science; Science and Technology; Mathematics; and Visual Arts.
The Bridge Center provides students the opportunity to learn horse handling, equine nutrition, grooming and tacking, and equine anatomy. These competency skills help Anchor Academy students build self-confidence, social skills, executive functioning skills, and patience. The students volunteer their time and build relationships with the animals.
Sunshine Farm Sanctuary offers students the opportunity to work side by side with animals as well as learn the skills to ride horses. The skill of caring for and riding horses develops a mindful sense of self by boosting self-esteem and self-acceptance.
Gifts to Give allows students to help organize recycled, re-purposed, and gifted clothing for children in need. Volunteering teaches students how much they have to offer others, empowers their sense of self, and reinforces the school’s strong community connection.
*This is just some of the many community-based collaborations that Anchor Academy partners with.