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Our Independent Living (IL) Program houses young men and women from 18-24 years old in small efficiency-type apartments or shared-living housing throughout the Metro, Boston, Central, Northeast and Southeast DCF regions (not including the Cape and the islands).

Needham, MA 02494
Finding a home in which to feel safe, secure, and supported is an essential human need. Rediscovery focuses on finding suitable housing so young adults can remain in their home communities and retain their friendships and support systems, while finding the necessary living support with Rediscovery that allows them to begin the transition into independence. Rediscovery Independent Living allows our young adults to live independently with rented rooms in houses, in shared bedroom rentals or single room occupancy units immersed in the community of the young adults choice. When youth leave the Independent Living Program, they will have learned how to live within their fiscal means, manage their time wisely, navigate in and around their communities, access critical resources, succeed in the workplace and mastered many other important life skills necessary for a successful adult life.
Outreach Workers are available for several hours a week to support them as they learn to live on their own, to discuss their successes and help with all aspects of their life and treatment plan including budgeting, time management, job searching, as well as attaining educational goals. In addition to an outreach worker youth have access to our 24 hour a day on-call system. Youth will get ongoing life skills training to reinforce the skills they are using in their everyday life along with building competencies and connecting to their communities.
Rediscovery’s Financial Literacy Program works with at-risk youth, to provide the financial skills and understanding necessary to their future success. Classes are tailored to the youths particular needs, and each series is paced to allow for differences in learning speeds. The focus is on building skills to manage a budget, pay bills, save for the future, finance higher education, and any other topics that are pertinent to their own lives.
The Incentive Savings Program helps IL youth meet their treatment plan goals in which for goal completion we offer a $50/week savings incentive which builds throughout the duration of the program so upon exit the youth has discharge funds accumulated. Outreach workers are also trained to support additional driving instruction hours for youth with driving permits to help with drivers license attainment.

Rediscovery Independent Living is just one program in the Continuum of Care. Discharge planning starts at intake and right away the youth are working towards successful steps in transitioning to adult hood.Youth also have access to therapy at Childrens Charter an amazing clinic specializing in trauma work where after discharge they maintain their therapist and do not have to endure another loss. Our Alternative Education Program also has an employment component that provides support on building job readiness skills and understanding the college enrollment process. Lastly our Alumni program which allows each alumna/us to access services as s/he needs them after leaving Rediscovery. Youth are still eligible for any of our non-housing services This connection to our alumni allows us to ensure that our clients achieve continued success after their departure.