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The publication, Residential Treatment for Children and Youth, recently published the article Building Communities of Care: A Comprehensive Model for Trauma-Informed Youth Capacity Building and Behavior Management in Residential Services.* Read the article.
To teach participants to provide individualized and strength-based interventions within a nurturing and supportive Community of Care.
BCC is a trauma-informed, systems-based training approach to working with individuals of all ages in a variety of settings. It is a “train-the-trainer” model, and is delivered to participants in 16 – 24 hours, depending on topics covered. It can be delivered with or without physical intervention content.
It covers topics such as:
• Creating nurturing and supportive environments
• The role of staff and caregivers
• Building relationships
• Understanding the impact of trauma on development
• De-escalation and crisis intervention skills
• And much more!
Because this training is focused on individualizing treatment and applies to all types of staff/caregivers, it can be used seamlessly in a variety of programs and agencies. Instead of focusing solely on problem behaviors and crisis interventions, BCC takes a holistic view of each individual. Therefore, BCC offers a full continuum of supportive strategies and concepts. In addition, if the physical intervention components are trained, agencies can choose from a wide range of safe and approved holds that would be appropriate to their setting specifically.

BCC is fully approved in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. It has been implemented at a variety of sites and programs, including:
Community (Home) Based Services
Therapeutic Foster Care
Therapeutic Boarding Schools
Sub-Acute Treatment
Alternative Day Schools
And more!
To learn more about whether or not BCC is appropriate for your program, please contact Corey Meurer, Corey can provide documentation and information related to obtaining approval to use BCC at your site.
This training and workbook explore how to build a “Community of Care” by exploring a variety of topics indepth, using a systems model to examine the individual within the broader social context.
Specifically, we consider:
• Individual factors – How is the individual unique, and what do they need?
• Community factors – What role do the setting, staff, and caregivers play?
• External factors – What impact do larger, outside forces play in caring for and treating the individual?
"The lens in which many of my staff members were viewing behavior and student learning was dramatically altered after BCC in a positive way. The realization of how many archaic and parochial styled techniques that were still being relied heavily upon was overwhelming for many. BCC also fostered an accelerated growth in some staff members who were able to identify the changes that they needed to make in their practices and implemented the strategies of BCC through a trauma informed lens. Specifically, learning about attuning to each individual student became the lifeline to a successful class period for those teachers who were able to adapt to the cultural shift."
Michael S Jarvis
Principal, Southbridge Academy

Learn more about the Building Communities of Care Informed workshops.
For more information about BCC, please contact Corey Meurer, BCC Director of Operations,, (508) 918-7194.
*Stacey Forrest, Robert Gervais, Kayla A. Lord, Anne Sposato, Lia Martin, Kari Beserra & Joseph Spinazzola (2018) Building Communities of Care: A Comprehensive Model for Trauma-Informed Youth Capacity Building and Behavior Management in Residential Services, Residential Treatment for Children & Youth, 35:4, 265-285, DOI: 10.1080/0886571X.2018.1497930