Do you have a question about JRI services?
GLASS is offering in-person HIV/STI testing, treatment, and PrEP for LGBTQ+ youth ages 16-29.
Testing appointments available Monday-Friday from 10:00 AM-3:30 PM. To schedule an appointment, please text or call 978-604-6937.
We are now located at 555 Amory Street, Suite 3, Boston MA 02130
GLASS provides a continuum of services to LGBTQ+ youth of color and their allies in the Greater Boston area. As a leader in LGBTQ+ youth services, we also provide education and consultation to other providers and community organizations.
(We're using "LGBTQ+" to mean lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, Two-Spirit, intersex, asexual, pansexual, people living with HIV, and other sexual and gender minorities.)

Suite 3
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Suite 3
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
We do a lot here at GLASS! Our continuum of services model aims to address a young person's immediate needs, equip them with tools to make healthy decisions and live fulfilling lives, and help create communities in which they can thrive.
Let's start with our space... We operate Drop-In Community Centers for LGBTQ+ youth of color between the ages of 13–25, one in Boston and one in Framingham. Programming includes support groups, educational workshops, social events, access to computers and internet, food, toiletries, clothes, games, and more!
And our people... The GLASS team is the best! We are a diverse group of people, representing various identities, races, ethnicities, and interests, and all committed to the youth we serve. You'll find us in the Drop-in Center!
Two locations:
555 Amory Street, Suite 2, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
1 Grant Street, Framingham, MA 01702

Our counselors provide culturally responsive mental health support and clinical case management, often focused on navigating the coming out process, gender identity transitions, developing healthy coping strategies, and further support for family, work, and school issues. Both drop-in sessions at GLASS and in-home therapy are available. This service is only available through our Boston location.
We offer free and confidential prevention and testing services for HIV, Hepatitis C, and sexually transmitted Infections (STIs) such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis, with no appointment necessary Monday through Friday at both locations. You can also come in just to pick up safer sex kits and bleach kits!
We also offer Same Day Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and STI treatment at both locations. Call for an appointment.
Living with HIV? Come to our Boston site for STI testing, support groups, health navigation, and one-to-one support.
Youth can come to GLASS to access a peer community, educational opportunities, field trips and social events, one-on-one mentorship, and leadership and employment opportunities. We employ youth leaders to conduct public health work with us, and if a position isn't available, youth can join our advisory board or participate in short-term projects. To find out more, please contact us or better yet, come see us!

The Prevention Team at GLASS extends its HIV/STI testing and counseling services to our community partners. We have a mobile team that travels to events and organizations around Boston and Framingham, providing onsite HIV/STI testing and counseling at no cost to the individual or host organization. Please call us to set up a testing event!
GLASS' Community Education Team offers an array of cultural competency workshops designed to educate and inform providers, youth, parents, and others on a range of topics relevant to the LGBTQ+ youth community, such as gender identity, sexual health, and bullying and violence. We will travel to your location and tailor the training to your needs. Workshop fees are based on a sliding scale, and scholarships are offered to student groups. Please request a Workshop Menu for more information.
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