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The Lanewood residence at Glenhaven Academy offers a community-centered around respect for each other and for our environment. Through sophisticated clinical leadership and individualized care, we create opportunities for our students to experience success daily. We support a culture where students embrace their resiliency and develop internal capacities that allow their future to be greater than their past. We provide comprehensive clinical, educational, vocational, and medical services for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex (LGBTQI), and allied youth. Staff at Lanewood work closely with students on developing independent living skills.

Framingham, MA 01701
Highly trained staff share the belief that we cannot solve our students’ problems or change their pasts, but we can equip them with the skills that will help them lead healthy and happy lives. A primary focus is the ARC (Attachment, Self-Regulation and Competency) treatment framework, which focuses on supporting our students in safely managing their overwhelming emotions in order to work on improving their relationships with those around them. We help our students explore their sense of self separate from their past experiences by fostering and developing their skills and interests so they form a positive identity. We offer community-based services as students prepare to transition, which focuses on life skills development in order to support students for living independently or with their families.
Lanewood and Glenhaven provide opportunities for students who are LGBTQI and LGBTQI allies who would benefit from an environment where they can work through identified treatment goals in a confidential, nurturing, safe, and supportive environment. Lanewood staff are trained in the ARC (attachment, regulation, competency) model and work to support students as they are working through treatment.
We provide intensive, holistic services and resources to students that are welcoming and nonjudgmental, respectful of preferred terms for sexual orientation and/or gender identity. We also offer services and supports to family members to ensure the families/identified supports receive services that will allow for a successful reunification or transition plan to allow for long-term success. Our experienced, appropriately trained, and affirming health and mental health providers address mental health and physical healthcare needs. We provide educational, clinical, vocational, and medical services to all students.

Lanewood offers the unique experience of coupling trauma-informed treatment and care with real world independent living opportunities. Our staff work closely with students to identify individual interest level and talents that would compliment employment and volunteer opportunities in the local communities. We are committed to teaching our students life skills necessary to thrive after graduation. Students learn to plan menus, prepare meals, balance budgets, and self-care.
Specialized groups offered cover a wide range of LGBTQI issues including:
Health education
Trauma & family issues
Grief & loss
Body image
Transgender issues
College preparatory classes
Substance abuse education
Overcoming bullying
GLBTQI peer mentoring
Lanewood is designed to give students who have faced adverse situations a safe place to heal and develop a healthy sense of self. We work closely with every student to ensure they are able to develop healthy coping strategies, supportive relationships, and exposure to positive life experiences that can be transformative in nature. Every journey is unique; however, with a strong sense of community, Lanewood offers a place to excel.
Lanewood prides itself upon its trauma-informed milieu. Our milieu counselors have a thorough understanding of the role they play in the healing process and view every interaction as a learning experience and teachable moment for our students. We support our students in building safe and effective regulation strategies to manage the emotions that arise daily and that are often connected to their trauma histories. We use these moments as a form of parallel trauma processing to provide feedback to clinical staff on an individual’s readiness to safely tolerate overwhelming emotions, which significantly connects to the course of individual therapy. Competency also plays a key role in our milieu and the overall treatment our students receive. Competency helps our students to realize they are not defined by the negative experiences they have had in life and can achieve immeasurable successes in their future.
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