Justice Central

Take Action! It's time, this is our moment!

JRI is deeply committed to advocating for the rights of the people we serve, their families and those within the community.  We have a Legislative Committee, which includes employees throughout the agency, who meet regularly to discuss upcoming legislation and action we can take to make changes at both the state and federal level.

JRI joins with other providers to strengthen our collective voices for change through partnership with a wide range of advocacy organizations and trade associations. These include: Providers Council; Mass. Association for 766-Approved Private Schools (MAAPS); Association for Behavioral Healthcare (ABH); Association of Developmental Disabilities Providers (ADDP); Mass. Alliance of Juvenile Court Clinics (MAJCC); Children’s League, Citizens for Juvenile Justice (CfJJ); Coalition for Juvenile Justice (CJJ); Association for Children’s Residential and Community Services (ACRC); Mass. Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence; Connecticut Community Nonprofit Alliance; Rhode Island Coalition for Children and Families (RICCF); and more.


We strongly urge everyone to to vote!  CareVote is a nonpartisan voter engagement initiative of the Providers' Council in which they encourage human services employees to vote to support caring communities.  Learn more about voter registration, voting by mail, updating your address and voter resources at the CareVote webpage.

Voting Guides on Youth Justice

Non-partisan, informational guides on all the elections, the role of the elected officials, candidates across the state and their positions on youth justice issues, available here:  https://www.cfjj.org/2022-voter-guides



JRI Service Navigator

Do you have a question about JRI services?

Rachel has been a part of the JRI team since January, 2000. For over 20 years, Rachel has been working in the field of human services assisting families with accessing and navigating services. Rachel received her Bachelors degree in psychology and Masters Degree in Public Administration from Bridgewater State University. She was promoted in July 2005 to Family Networks Program Director where she closely worked with the Department of Children Families for 10 years ensuring that children and families received the highest quality of individualized services ranging from community based through residential care. Rachel is very dedicated to helping the individuals she works with and is committed to improving the lives of children and families. Rachel’s passion for creative service programming inspires her in her role as JRI Service Navigator.