Do you have a question about JRI services?
Younity works to empower youth 16-25 of all backgrounds, experiences, and identities. Everything about our access center - from the physical space to services and programming - is directly informed by the voices of the youth we work with. We offer young adults a place where they can find respect for the person they are now, and support for the person they want to become. Our team operates from a Peer Support model, and specializes in assisting youth and young adults who identify as LGBTQIA2S+, and/or have experiences with substance use, housing instability, mental health needs, or have experienced other barriers to their health and wellness that have not been met by "traditional" services.
Younity provides a variety of opportunities for youth to engage in individual and group activities designed to support them in working through challenges, overcome barriers, and explore what inspires them. Drop in for an art workshop or DnD campaign, use our shower and grab harm reduction supplies, help with a housing or job search, or just to use the laundry or wifi. Our food pantry and gender-affirming closet are open so folks can always take what they need, and our bathroom is always stocked with basics like hygiene, safe-sex and harm-reduction products too.

The Younity staff pride themselves on being inclusive, dedicated, and completely youth driven. Helping YYA (Youth and Young Adults) find their purpose—or just someone who will listen—is what we do!
The center offers both recreational and psychoeducational groups to celebrate shared interests and promote self-empowerment. Our programming is directly influenced by the interests and needs of participants, and is therefore always changing. Past & current offerings include: Open Art Studio, Youth Advisory Board, Early 20s Peer Support, Magic the Gathering, Dungeons & Dragons, GLoss (Grief & Loss Support) Group, Cooking Club, Open Mic, and Gender Expanse. We also host additional events each month like interpersonal skill development, job & financial planning, free/anonymous STI testing and harm reduction workshops. Keep an eye on our Instagram account for the most up-to-date info on programs and seasonal hours: @younity_gloucester

In partnership with DMH, with generous funding from SAMHSA’s Healthy Transitions (HT2) Grant, we were awarded the resources to open our physical drop-in location in 2020. Current funding is through the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health.
We encourage providers and mental health professionals in Gloucester, Cape Ann, and Essex County to keep our low-barrier drop-in center in mind when considering transitional planning for your clients. Younity’s strength-based therapeutic programming aims to reintegrate, renew, and reinvigorate area youth.
We are building partnerships within the Gloucester community with those who support our mission to bring youth together. These Youth Ambassadors have day-to-day contact with local YYA’s and partner with us in outreach efforts to ensure every young adult receives the right care. If you’re a Gloucester-based business or service and would like to hear more about advocating for youth, please get in touch!
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