
Connecticut Group Homes

Connecticut Group Homes serve youth and young adults with developmental disorders who have experienced disruptive life events. All clients living in JRI Connecticut Group Homes receive 24/7 supervision and therapeutic support to help them develop daily living skills and navigate their community. Clients attend school, work, or vocational programs outside of the home.

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Two girls sitting at table in group home.
At a Glance
This service is for
Focus: We provide a warm and nurturing home environment where clients are empowered to build skills and competencies for more independent lives.
Age: 13-20 River's Edge; 14-21 Chesterfield
Capacity: 3 - 5 Clients per home
Let's Connect
Andria Maciejewski
Program Director
75 Church Street
Thompson, CT 06277

Our staff are trained in the Attachment, Self-Regulation, and Competency (ARC) treatment framework. ARC is based on the idea that many of the problematic behaviors observed among traumatized youth are adaptions initially learned to manage the early traumatic environment. These early adaptations then impact the individual’s ability to successfully negotiate relationships, regulate affect and physiology, and develop an integrated and positive sense of self. Positive development in each of these areas is fostered individually as well as cohesively in our group homes by the building of healthy relationships with staff and peers, the teaching of self-regulation skills, and engaging all clients in individual activities that they enjoy and take pride in. Because our youth often come to us with histories of disruptive attachments and multiple placements, they have missed the opportunity to build self-efficacy.

River's Edge Group Home

River’s Edge Group Home is a therapeutic group home, located in Thompson, Connecticut, on the border of JRI’s Susan Wayne Center of Excellence. The program serves adolescent girls ages 13 – 20, who often present with concurrent behavioral, mental health, and cognitive challenges. River’s Edge offers residential, clinical and nursing services, in addition to case management and behavioral support, for girls with below average to moderately impaired cognitive abilities who may have experienced complex trauma. We strive to prepare our girls for permanency in less restrictive, community-based settings with families or other community supports.

Recreation and Leisure

River’s Edge residents have an opportunity to engage in a variety of leisure, sports, and recreational activities. The girls spend significant time in the community building job and life skills, as well as practicing social skills. Staff members utilize a competency-based model to identify areas for development of self-identity, and provide each girl with an individualized competency plan. River’s Edge youth also have the opportunity to use the neighboring gym and ropes course, as well as  the animal care area.

Chesterfield Group Home

The Chesterfield Group Home is located on two acres in Oakdale, Conn., and serves young men who are involved with the Connecticut DCF.




We offer:

  • Clean and comfortable living environments that reflect that deep respect we have for our youth while emphasizing personal stewardship.
  • A highly trained staff to provide therapeutic supports and interventions, primarily based on the Attachment, Self-Regulation and Competency (ARC) model. Staff have access to clinical consultation as well as training on evidence-based practices.
  • Life-skills education that is embedded within the reality of community living but made explicit and meaningful through both the structures and routines of the home and strict but warm approach of our caring staff. Our life-skills instruction focuses on human rights, money management and budgeting, cooking and meal preparation, and personal hygiene.
  • Guidance in accessing opportunity in the community through outings, activities, volunteer work, and employment services. Collaboration between staff and community partners to ensure consistency in care and opportunity.
  • An emphasis on youth participation in all aspects of our services, especially in creating goals and plans for treatment in order to ensure he/she is moving towards meeting individual goals while beginning to take ownership for his/her life.

Request More Information

For assistance determining which programs or services will meet your individualized need, please fill out the form below. Our Service Navigator will reach out to you about your inquiry via phone, text, or email. If you have a question regarding a particular program, please contact the Program Director listed in the “Let’s Connect” box above. 

Please note that this form is not HIPAA compliant.  We urge you not to include protected health information.

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JRI Service Navigator

Do you have a question about JRI services?

Rachel has been a part of the JRI team since January, 2000. For over 20 years, Rachel has been working in the field of human services assisting families with accessing and navigating services. Rachel received her Bachelors degree in psychology and Masters Degree in Public Administration from Bridgewater State University. She was promoted in July 2005 to Family Networks Program Director where she closely worked with the Department of Children Families for 10 years ensuring that children and families received the highest quality of individualized services ranging from community based through residential care. Rachel is very dedicated to helping the individuals she works with and is committed to improving the lives of children and families. Rachel’s passion for creative service programming inspires her in her role as JRI Service Navigator.