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River Run Academy, the clinical day school at the Susan Wayne Center of Excellence, located in Thompson, Conn., offers intensive educational, vocational, and clinical services for mild to moderately cognitively impaired students.

Thompson, CT 06277
We utilize a trauma-informed, evidence-based treatment model in all of our classroom settings. This approach, called the Attachment, Self-Regulation, and Competency (ARC) model, provides a framework for thoughtful clinical intervention with complexly traumatized youth and their caregiving systems. All day school staff is trained in this model, as it is the foundation for all interventions we use with our students.

Students engage in a year-round academic schedule. Our core academic content is based on the Common Core standards, with delivery differentiated for each student. We also offer instruction in daily living, health, financial literacy, and social skills. Class sizes are very small.

Transitional and vocational programming are essential components of both our therapeutic and educational services. A hands-on approach to life-skills learning often takes place in the greater community through field trips, service learning, and work experiences. Our students engage in a variety of vocational activities, including landscaping, small engine repair, culinary arts, assisting at food pantries and recycling centers, and more.

We provide many additional supportive services to assist students in accessing the curriculum. We have a psychiatrist and language disorder specialist on staff, and we provide occupational therapy when appropriate. Students have daily access to clinical supportive services for assistance, if needed, as well as individual therapy weekly.

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