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Centerpoint is a 16-bed, intensive residential treatment program for emotionally disturbed adolescent males. It is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations and licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health.
Centerpoint's primary mission is the treatment, rehabilitation, and safe reintegration back into society of adolescent males with mental illness and challenging behaviors.

Southgate Building
Tewksbury, MA 01876
Centerpoint provides a secure, clinically intensive residential program that enhances growth and coping skills while safely managing acting-out behaviors as well as the acute symptoms of major psychiatric disorders. The program's ultimate goal is to enable each youth to obtain optimal psychological and social growth and transition into a less-restrictive setting and eventually into the greater community.
Individualized Treatment Plans are developed for each resident upon admission by a multidisciplinary team that includes clinical, medical, educational, administrative, and milieu staff who offer expertise in the assessment and implementation of services required by this population. Through a comprehensive and individualized approach to treatment, Centerpoint offers each resident the opportunity to gain control over those behaviors which have had a negative impact on his relationships and his life, and develop more-effective means of coping and problem-solving.
Centerpoint's clinical services include individual, group, and family therapy, as well as psychopharmacology when indicated. The clinical approach emphasizes the development and maximization of more mature, adaptive safe behaviors through ongoing assessment processes that guide and support treatment interventions.
Family are strongly encouraged to actively participate in the development and implementation of a resident's treatment plan, which is oriented around supporting more-mature defenses and safe adaptive coping skills.
Our school is operated by Collaborative Educational Services under the Massachusetts DESE and follows the educational framework determined by the Massachusetts public school system. Every youth has an Individualized Education Plan that offers the opportunity to continue academic progress, remediate academic needs, and optimize their cognitive abilities.
The therapeutic environment is designed to stabilize behaviors that have resulted in the need for a secure setting. Each resident is offered the opportunity to identify those life experiences that have resulted in these self defeating behaviors and to experience graduated levels of responsibility and independence by participating in a clinically oriented milieu staffed by a multidisciplinary team and a recreational program that promotes health and well-being.
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