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The FOCUS Program provides temporary emergency shelter, diversion services, case management, and stabilization services to families in southeastern Mass. who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless.

FOCUS supports families by utilizing a collaborative, strength-based approach. Once placement is made, stabilization services are put in place to support the family to maintain housing.
FOCUS encompasses a temporary emergency shelter program (congregate and scattered site apartments) and a stabilization program. Our shelter program sites are located throughout Bristol County. These sites are funded by the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). Additionally, FOCUS includes the HomeBASE program, which is administered in conjunction with South Shore Housing Development Corporation (SSHDC) and funded by DHCD.
We coordinate school placement, daycare, medical needs, mental health resources, education and job training referrals, CORI assistance, credit, legal, budgeting, and life skills.
HOUSING PLACEMENT: We develop re-housing plans by providing education and job training referrals, landlord/tenant mediation advocacy for families at housing court, and transportation specifically for housing search-related appointments.
DIVERSION AND PREVENTION: We assist eligible families to remain stably housed or secure affordable housing to divert families from entering the shelter system. We assist Emergency Assistance (EA) families with available prevention services and resources to increase stabilization.
HOMEBASE PROGRAM: We offer time-limited assistance designed to provide alternative solutions to families who are at serious risk of homelessness or families residing in DHCD Emergency Assistance (EA) shelters or motels. The type of assistance is based on the individual needs of a family, which will be determined through an assessment.
SER Jobs for Progress, Inc. workforce development and FOCUS with funding provided by South Shore Housing Development Corporation and DHCD are operating a workforce-development initiative assisting families to obtain and sustain jobs.
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