Virtual Workshops and Consultation Series

Virtual Workshops/Trainings

Time: 2 hours per session.  Cost: $500.00 per hour for up to 15 participants 

For more information, please contact Tara Sagor, CAGS, LMHC at

Trauma 101 and Introduction to Core Actions of PFA Training

Psychological First Aid is an intervention consistently used in the disaster mental field but can also be applied to work with individuals experiencing various levels of dysregulation in the moment.  As a result, it a valuable tool for professionals to have access to in their work to support individuals and coworkers across settings and populations. The material is beneficial to all levels of professional experience.  This training will provide an introduction to the core actions of Psychological First Aid.

Vicarious Trauma and Self-Care Planning

This training is intended to provide individuals with concrete tools to support strong, attainable self-care practices and resiliency when working with vulnerable populations, to develop an understanding of the impact of the stress response and vicarious trauma, and to practice making accommodations to self-care practices in the face of the pandemic.   

Cultural Responsiveness Training

Agencies serve a wide variety of clients with staff from varying backgrounds and it helps to have a framework for discussions about cultural issues. While examining issues of culture it is important to address issues of power, privilege, intersectionality, identity and the responsibility we have to continue educating ourselves on these matters. During the training participants will be asked to resist the urge to defend past actions, learn the difference between intent and impact and consider who they look to as experts on cultural matters.  

Introduction to Suicide Prevention 

Participants will learn the prevalence rate for deaths by suicide, risk factors, protective factors and warning signs for death by suicide. Participants will also learn about effective safety planning, how HIPAA changes as a result of threat and the importance of having clear communication around suicidal ideation. Through the use of lecture, video, case examples and small group discussion participants will learn ways to respond if someone is suicidal.  

Diagnostic Series Trainings 

Often times people will develop a specialty within the population they serve for individuals with similar types of diagnoses, this can result in a decreased level of comfort with other diagnostic categories. This training provides the chance to review a requested set of diagnostic criteria through use of lecture, video, case examples and small group discussion and reiterates the different ways symptoms might present. It is possible to request this training to focus on Anxiety Disorders, Bipolar Disorders, Depressive Disorders, Schizophrenia Spectrum and other Psychotic Disorders, or Trauma and Stressor related Disorders based on individualized needs of team. 

Professional Boundaries During Times of Crisis

During times of crisis (pandemic, changes in leadership, funding challenges, etc.) lapses in professional boundaries are likely to increase. This training focuses on the importance of professional boundaries, how to balance compassion and accountability and ways to address common ethical dilemmas. This training can be targeted towards workers, supervisors/managers or mixed audiences. 


Virtual Consultation Series 

Consultation sessions will take place bi-weekly or monthly and can occur as a 3-part, 6-part or 12-part series. Time: 2 hours p/session.  Cost: $500.00 p/hour for up to 15 participants 
For more information, please contact Tara Sagor, CAGS, LMHC at

Supervisory Consultation Series: Trauma Informed Leadership Practices during Global Crisis

This consultation series is designed for leaders who are committed to understanding the impact of trauma/crisis on the teams they directly support. The conversations will focus on ways to best support our teams when they are surrounded by increased uncertainly and anxiety in the larger world to promote overall resiliency and well-being. Participants will be actively engaged in a process of self-reflection throughout this series to identify and share their strengths re leading during this time while also setting specific goals addressing areas where they hope to grow.  

 The curriculum includes an exploration of:  

  • How trauma/crisis can impact the needs of employees  
  • Strategies for maintaining connections  
  • Strategies for navigating changing boundaries  
  • Exploration of ways to better understand/conceptualize behavioral reactions impacting job performance to best result in a trauma informed response  
  • Strategies for navigating self-care and wellness conversations, including accommodations being made/needed    

Staying Connected in a Virtual World: A Supervisory/Administrative Consultation Series

This consultation series is a resource for supervisors, managers and administration to participate in a facilitated conversation re staying connected with employees and teams when working remotely or while maintaining safe social distancing in offices as they reopen.   

Teams will choose from the following possible topics based on individualized needs:  

  • Staying connected virtually with employees working remotely  
  • Staying connected while maintaining safe social distancing  
  • Suggestions for supervision, office setup, managing confidentiality and creating a safe space  
  • Virtual team building Suggestions  
  • Navigating changing boundaries 
  • Self-Care/Wellness conversations- accommodations being made/needed  

Leadership Development Consultation Series

This consultation series is designed for Supervisors/Directors to participate in a facilitated conversation focusing on critical issues that can affect a program’s growth, efficacy and/or sustainability.  Participants will consider issues that are affecting their own development as well as those affecting staff and clients. Through the process of active reflection, experiential practice, group discussion and goal setting, participants will have ample opportunity to practice, implement and evaluate the material they are learning during the series. Consultations will follow a predictable format to ensure the goals of the series are being met: Review of progress toward individualized goals (after first session), new content/resource sharing, group discussion and reflection, goal setting and implementation. The content of the consultation series will be finalized based on needs of group.  

Teams will choose from the following possible topics:  

  • leading during times of crisis 
  • professional boundaries 
  • addressing challenging topics in supervision 
  • creating an environment that sustains use of effective coping strategies 
  • addressing cultural concerns in work and therapeutic environments 
  • implementing change 
  • connecting mission/vision/values to the work and a variety of other possible topics

For more information, please contact Tara Sagor, CAGS, LMHC at


JRI Service Navigator

Do you have a question about JRI services?

Rachel has been a part of the JRI team since January, 2000. For over 20 years, Rachel has been working in the field of human services assisting families with accessing and navigating services. Rachel received her Bachelors degree in psychology and Masters Degree in Public Administration from Bridgewater State University. She was promoted in July 2005 to Family Networks Program Director where she closely worked with the Department of Children Families for 10 years ensuring that children and families received the highest quality of individualized services ranging from community based through residential care. Rachel is very dedicated to helping the individuals she works with and is committed to improving the lives of children and families. Rachel’s passion for creative service programming inspires her in her role as JRI Service Navigator.