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Berkshire Meadows provides residential and family supports to individuals with severe intellectual disabilities and complex medical needs in homes that provide the staffing support to enhance quality of life. We focus on providing opportunities to create skill-building and independence during activities of daily living and recreational activities, but always have the individual's well-being in mind.

Housatonic, MA 01236
Community and independence are pivotal parts of life for all adults, no different for those with significant intellectual and developmental as well as medical and mobility needs. The Berkshire Meadows community homes for adults are comfortable, well-staffed, and properly furnished with the right equipment and fixtures to make life as enjoyable and meaningful as possible. Individuals have choices about every aspect of their lives. and the opportunity to participate in a variety of community activities. Families are an integral part of care-planning and decision-making and are welcome and encouraged to participate at any time.

We believe that medical needs should never compromise an individual's quality of life. Individuals who need more medical oversight live in homes with direct nursing service and see a medical professional frequently. Individuals with respiratory issues, GI issues, and orthopedic issues have homes with the appropriate equipment and staffing pattern that enables them to live fulfilling and enjoyable lives while remaining as independent as possible.
Creating opportunities for independence is an important part of daily life for the individuals. Skill development happens many times during the day, and staff are trained to recognize it. Individuals are encouraged to increase their self-help and social skills through a variety of techniques in the home and in the community.
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