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The Swansea Wood School is a therapeutic coed residential school for adolescents coping with trauma, mental health issues, behavioral difficulties, and/or mild-to-moderate cognitive challenges. We offer students the opportunity to progress academically, remediate past academic challenges, and increase cognitive ability by providing individualized support through clinical, vocational, milieu, and educational experiences.

Swansea, MA 02777
The Swansea Wood School serves adolescents and young adults between the ages of 12 and 22 who have struggled with significant and chronic past trauma and/or organic mental illness and function at a mild-to-moderate cognitively impaired level. Our 27-bed, year-round program encompasses therapeutic services such as individual, group, and family therapy; comprehensive educational services; recreational and athletic activities; volunteer opportunities; and vocational training.
At the Swansea Wood School, we provide each student with a supportive, individually tailored program that balances school, personal life, and community while fostering individual talents that help build self-esteem and deepen relationships. The support provided by the school is far- reaching to help our students find success as they move forward in their lives.
Our fully accredited residential treatment and educational program is Chapter 766 approved and licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care.

The Swansea Wood School accepts private referrals as well as school system and state social service, youth service, mental health agency placements, and educational agency referrals. Contact us for additional information.
Admissions are based upon referral packet information, which includes academic and psychological assessments and previous school history. Upon receipt of a student referral packet, our admissions screening team will initially determine eligibility for admission through review of written information and telephone interviews with the family, guardian, and/or relevant individuals and agencies. The pre-placement interview provides an opportunity for the students, family, and/or referral source to tour the campus and helps assess the appropriateness of the placement.
The Swansea Wood School is ultimately about empowering our students with the skills and the hope to achieve their life goals. Our comprehensive array of therapeutic resources include:
Therapeutic residential services
Medical-Psychiatric services
Clinical services
Trauma-specific interventions
Aftercare and Community-based services
Competency-building recreational activities
Trauma-informed yoga
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) was selected as the academic model for The Meadowridge Schools as it closely mirrors our clinical Model, ARC. Both models emphasize understanding and supporting each student’s unique needs while also showcasing their strengths in order to help them maximize their potential. Our flexibility and planning allow us to cultivate an environment that supports our students in feeling a sense of safety and trust in their relationships, which supports emotion regulation and engaged learning.

Swansea Wood School is committed to providing each student with the clinical services necessary to help them achieve their goals. We are trauma- informed in all areas of our program, which serves to support the work that students do in individual, family and group therapy. The Swansea Wood School Therapists are all master's-level clinicians who use a wide variety of clinical approaches and techniques in order to best meet the needs of each student. Clinical caseloads are low (about six students per therapist) to allow for intensive treatment and case management services.
The Attachment, Self-Regulation and Competency (ARC) framework is a core-components treatment model developed to provide a guiding framework for thoughtful clinical intervention with complexly traumatized youth and their care-giving systems. This intensive, individualized approach features an array of services and interventions designed with a single goal in mind: to prepare our students for a strong, healthy future.
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