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A New Year’s Wish
Midnight ushers in the promises of crisp, fresh pages, uninked and ready for the next chapter. The year reaches in front of us, a road untraveled, offering adventure, promise, a new start.
I wish you peace in the New Year. I wish you wisdom, accrued from every year you’ve lived, to guide you on your path. I wish joy, to greet the new day. May you dance in golden rays of light. May you not despair in the shadows, but look for guiding stars to lead you forward. May your heart be open and the wounds of last year healed. May you feel the love of others surround you and lift you when the weight feels too oppressive. May you lift up others, so that they feel your love and you know your strength. May we comfort one another in times of hardship, and toast one another in moments of triumph. May we see feel connected, may we remember that we all belong to the same family, the human family. May we find quiet moments to reflect, restore, replenish our hearts. May we look forward with eager eyes to the year ahead. Thank you, 2018, for all you’ve taught, and to 2019 for all you will provide.