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Merrie Mackenzie is an Early Childhood Consultant and Trainer with JRI’s Early Childhood Training and Consultation Program. She has her Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education Preschool to 2nd grade. Her role in this capacity is to support and coach teachers and families in developing strategies to support a child’s development. She has been in the Early Childhood Field for over 17 years as a Program Director, Supervisor, Teacher and Early Intervention Clinician. She has involvement in community engagement through her career working with the Nurturing Families Program, Parenting in America Trainings, Community Connections, and Father’s Engagement. She has sat on the board of Worcester Community Connections as their community advisor, and has been a member of the DCF board in Worcester where she was the Early Intervention Director. Merrie’s passion for Educators and Children keep her excited about each day. She enjoys finding new ways to work with children and teachers alike.