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Dear Foster Friends of JRI,
You may have thought you were just purchasing a holiday gift for a child, something to brighten their Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa celebration. You may have thought it was a simple gesture to make them feel included and to check an item off a wishlist.
I’m here to tell you, every gift was so much more.
Foster Friends, your gift reinforced a child’s right to dream. Your gift was a piece of magic, a promise fulfilled. Your gift restored hope that good things can happen to a child in care. Your gift reinforced that the recipient was worthy of dreaming, worthy of wishing, worthy of receiving.
Foster Friends, we will never find the words to adequately thank you for the magic you spun throughout our holiday season, but please know you were our wish come true.
Thank you so much for your generosity and commitment to children and youth in foster care. We are yet again in awe of the caring community that surrounds our program throughout the year.
May 2022 be kind to you and yours.
With Our Sincere Gratitude,
Robert Costa Jr and the JRI Foster Care Team