JRI Fostercare Blog

Articles related to: Foster Care

3 min read

Our Favorite Four Letter Word: Teen

By Courtney Edge-Mattos on November 17, 2023

Teen…Our favorite four letter word…

Teen…Seven years of growth, excitement, fear, expectations, and change.

Teen…A stage of development not unlike that of a toddler, but in a frame closer to an adult.

Teen…Our most in-need population.

Recently, a person on our social media feed sparked conversation about teens.  They made the standard statement that teens are tough.  True.  All ages and stages have joys and challenges.  Teen challenges are notorious and often have larger consequences

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7 min read

Foster Care: Stock Up for Success

By Courtney Edge-Mattos on September 8, 2022

Every new placement will need something.  It is a true roll of the dice regarding what that might be, but it usually involves a trip to a pharmacy or department store, often at an inconvenient hour.

As fostering families become more seasoned, they prepare in advance so some things are just an arms length away.  Here are some of the top suggestions our all-star parents stock up on for success when a new placement arrives

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5 min read

Foster Care Licensing: Streamline Your Process

By Courtney Edge-Mattos on August 17, 2022

It takes folks an average of 6-9 months to become licensed for foster care and there are outliers who may take even more time.  Why so long?

Well, there are a number of factors.  Every foster care applicant has to complete MAPP class, which is 10 weeks long (one three hour session per week for ten weeks).  If you can’t attend the soonest MAPP class, it likely won’t be offered again for a few months

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2 min read

Foster Care Licensing: Commit to Commitment

By Courtney Edge-Mattos on June 23, 2022

“The hoops are too much for me to go through for me to offer such a kind thing.”

I draw my breath in and let it out slowly. 

Another applicant bites the dust.

Another home does not open their door.

Another child is left waiting.

Foster parent licensing is a process.  It takes time and effort.  Completing an application, running background checks and fingerprints, home interviews, MAPP class, CPR and First Aid, obtaining references...I know

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3 min read

Foster Care: The Need is Now

By Courtney Edge-Mattos on June 1, 2022

He left from school.  He had his backpack and his homework.  He didn't get to hug his mom.

She left from home.  There wasn’t time to pack much, they had to get going.  She wasn’t sure what to grab, so she just stuffed things into the garbage bag blindly.  Turned out to be clothing from last season.  She will have to wear a sweater and long pants tomorrow, even though it will be 84 degrees

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3 min read

National Foster Care Month 2022

By Courtney Edge-Mattos on April 29, 2022

May is National Foster Care Month.

What does that mean?  Why does it exist?

It isn’t a celebration of foster care.  Foster care occurs when families do not have the supports they need to safely keep children in their homes, so that’s not something for which we should break out the party hats.

What is National Foster Care Month all about?

National Foster Care Month is a time to bring the conversation of foster care

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5 min read

Top Ten Qualities of Successful Foster Parents

By Courtney Edge-Mattos on March 7, 2022

Our foster parents here at JRI represent a wide array of people- and we LOVE that!  The more varied, the stronger we are as a program and the better we can serve the needs of children and youth in the Commonwealth.

Here are the top 10 unifying qualities shared by our successful foster parents.  Enjoy!

  1. Resilient: Our most successful foster parents recognize that just because you’re down, you are not out.  Many have
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5 min read

Supporting Reunification: Loving Without Reservation in Foster Care

By Elizabeth Archambault on February 23, 2022

She was only supposed to stay for the weekend.

I told myself the reason we were only taking short-term foster care placements was to protect the hearts of the children already in our home.

And if we used the term “foster friends” instead of “brother” or “sister,” nothing would get confusing. Right?

But perhaps I was trying to protect my heart as well. Although–how deeply could you fall in love in one week?

It was

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3 min read

Top 5 Reasons Foster Families Choose JRI

By Courtney Edge-Mattos on February 18, 2022

5 Top Reasons Foster Families Choose JRI

It is hard to know where to start with foster care.  Do you choose a state agency or a private agency?  What are the differences?  What supports will you need?  Which is the right fit?

We asked our foster families why they choose JRI and here are the Top Five Reasons our foster families cited!

  1. The Staff!

Time and time again, our foster families cited the positive relationships

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1 min read

Foster Friends: A Holiday Thank You

By Robert Costa Jr. on January 10, 2022

Dear Foster Friends of JRI,

You may have thought you were just purchasing a holiday gift for a child, something to brighten their Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa celebration.  You may have thought it was a simple gesture to make them feel included and to check an item off a wishlist. 

I’m here to tell you, every gift was so much more.

Foster Friends, your gift reinforced a child’s right to dream.  Your gift was a

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Foster Care...Foster Hope

A Blog to Support Foster Parents

Our foster care program is rooted in the principle that every child deserves to feel safe, to be nurtured, and to thrive. Our foster families and staff are committed to maximizing each child's potential within our stable and loving foster homes.


  • Stable homes nurture neglected children.
  • Compassionate homes mend painful pasts.
  • YOUR home can change the life of a child.

If you are interested in becoming a foster parent, please complete our foster care interest form.

Featured Posts

Preparing for An Arrival

You’ve taken the classes.  You’ve been fingerprinted, interviewed, reference-checked.  You’ve watched the “Removed” movie fourteen times.  You’ve read blogs and

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Helping Hands

There are so many wonderful people out there who want to support the children and families with whom we work. 

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JRI Service Navigator

Do you have a question about JRI services?

Rachel has been a part of the JRI team since January, 2000. For over 20 years, Rachel has been working in the field of human services assisting families with accessing and navigating services. Rachel received her Bachelors degree in psychology and Masters Degree in Public Administration from Bridgewater State University. She was promoted in July 2005 to Family Networks Program Director where she closely worked with the Department of Children Families for 10 years ensuring that children and families received the highest quality of individualized services ranging from community based through residential care. Rachel is very dedicated to helping the individuals she works with and is committed to improving the lives of children and families. Rachel’s passion for creative service programming inspires her in her role as JRI Service Navigator.