Do you have a question about JRI services?
The Children’s Advocacy Center of Bristol County, a private, non-profit agency, provides services to children and intellectually disabled adults who have been victims of severe physical abuse, witness to violence or sexual abuse. Over 90% of all cases fall into the latter category.
Based upon a national, child-focused model, the center provides a sensitive and coordinated response to allegations and disclosures of child abuse. For each child abuse case, a multi-disciplinary team is formed comprised of law enforcement, Department of Children & Families, District Attorney’s office, Massachusetts Pedi-SANE program and community-based agencies. This collaborative approach is at the heart of the evidence-based model which provides a place and process for the child to provide the details of their victimization only one time during the investigative period in an effort to minimize their trauma.
For more information, please visit the Children's Advocacy Center website.

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