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Intensive Services & Juvenile Justice

JRI offers a range of programs designed to support youth struggling with intensive acute symptoms. These programs include long-term intensive residential treatment programs. JRI remains on the forefront of interventions designed to support youth with both acute symptoms as well as with juvenile justice services.
For more information about our intensive services and our juvenile justice services, please follow the link below or call our Service Navigator at (781) 559-4745.
JRI’s juvenile justice division has its roots in the origins of the agency. The founders of JRI were former leaders in the state's juvenile justice system and responded to a need for specialized services partnered with the state, providing excellent care and state-of-the-art rehabilitative treatment. Today, JRI offers a range of forensic residential and community-based services, including…
JRI provides specialized care and treatment for young people with serious mental health challenges, in need of safe, secure settings to chart a new direction. IRTPs are contracted statewide programs of the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health. JRI also accepts out-of-state referrals to Centerpoint and Cohannet Academy.